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Senior Couple Undergoing Medical Examination

Plan of Care, Treatments, and Services 

Our hospice involves key professionals and other staff members in developing your individual plan of care, focused on you, which is based upon identified problems, needs and goals, physician orders for medications, treatments and care, your environment, and your personal wishes whenever possible. Effective pain management is an important partof your treatment plan.

The Plan Includes Seven Basic Areas: 

• Hospice Medical Director - on call 24 hours.
• Skilled Nurses who are trained specifically to deal with pain and symptom management available 24 hours a day.
• Social Worker who offers counseling and referral services
to community resources. 

• Certified Home Health Aides and Homemakers who
assist with ADLs, if needed. 

• Chaplain who provide spiritual support, if needed.
• Volunteers who provide assistance, through visits, letter
writing, reading, or shopping, if needed. 

• Bereavement Coordinator who helps you cope with
challenges even after you loved one is gone.

Medications Covered

• Medications for pain and symptoms management 
are hospice Medicare Covered benefit. 

Durable Medical Equipment 

• We Work closely with a DME company for fast delivery of equipment. Coordination with a physician regarding your need for medical equipment. 

The Plan

The plan is reviewed and updated as needed, based on your changing needs. We encourage your participation and will provide necessary medical information to assist you. You have the right to refuse any medication or treatment procedure. However, such refusal may require us to obtain a written statement releasing the Agency from all responsibility resulting from such action. Should this happen, we would encourage you to discuss the matter with your physician for advice and guidance. With your help, on admission we will create an updated list of your medications. We will compare this list to the medications ordered by the physician. Our staff will continue to compare the list to the medications that are ordered, administered, or dispensed to you while under our care so any discrepancies ( such as omissions, duplications, potential interactions) can be resolved. We fully recognize your right to dignity and individuality, including privacy in treatment and in the care of your personal needs. We will always notify you if additional individual needs need to be present for your visit for reasons of safety, education, or supervision. Prior to anyone visiting your home, we will ask your permission. You have the right to refuse any visitors, and this will not compromise your care in any way. We do not participate in any experimental research connected with patient care except under the direction of your physician and with your written consent. There must be a willing, able, and available caregiver to be responsible for your care between hospice visits. This person can be you, a family member, a friend, or a paid caregiver. 

Earlier referrals to hospice help patients and family’s access and receive the maximum benefit and full scope of hospice services.



To book a consultation with one of our dedicated staff and to see how we can provide help to you or your loved ones, please book a consultation meeting with us

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